Pet Boarding All facility in Delhi

Pet Boarding All facility in Delhi

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Here is a comprehensive list of facilities that a pet boarding facility may offer:


1. Spacious kennels or suites
2. Comfortable bedding and toys
3. Climate-controlled environments
4. Private or shared rooms


1. Exercise areas (indoor/outdoor)
2. Playtime with staff or other pets
3. Grooming services (bathing, nail trimming, etc.)
4. Feeding and medication administration
5. Webcams for owner monitoring


1. Dog walking or jogging
2. Playtime activities (fetch, tug-of-war, etc.)
3. Training sessions
4. Socialization with other pets
5. Administration of special diets or medication

Safety Features:

1. Secure fencing and enclosures
2. 24/7 supervision and monitoring
3. Fire detection and suppression systems
4. Emergency veterinary care access

Hygiene and Sanitation:

1. Regular cleaning and disinfection
2. Waste removal and disposal
3. Fresh water and food bowls

Additional Services:

1. Pick-up and drop-off transportation
2. Pet grooming and spa services
3. Training classes or workshops
4. Pet supply store or boutique

Remember, not all pet boarding facilities offer all of these facilities, so it’s essential to research and visit the facility before booking to ensure they meet your pet’s needs.